Colour Palette Update July 2021



As many of you will be aware the most recent batch of colour palettes sold in record time (again!) a few weeks ago. I just want to start off by saying thank you so much to everyone who bought one or tried to buy one. As just one person making things from home, all of your excitement and enjoyment of things I make is an absolute pleasure to see. As always there are more on the way but I just wanted to write a short update on what’s going on with my little business.

Worldwide semiconductor shortage

 At the heart of most electronic devices (phones, computers, tv’s, even cars!) is a semiconductor of some sort. The colour palette is no different. Unfortunately, the pandemic has hit the semiconductor industry really hard as demand went up while factories shut down. This has led to a worldwide semiconductor chip shortage which is why it’s so hard to buy a PS5 or a computer graphics card!

 Fortunately, I’ve been quite lucky and I’ve been able to source all the parts I’ve needed to build colour palettes up until now. Unfortunately, the main processing chip in the Colour Palette is out of stock worldwide until November. Unfortunately, this does mean that production will be halted for a while. 

 My plan is to have all the other parts assembled and ready by November when the chips are due to arrive and hopefully final assembly will be done soon after. What this does mean, is there is more time to put together an even larger batch which will mean more of you are able to purchase. 

 What else is happening between now and November?

 So, while I wait for chips, there is plenty to build for the new batch so my main focus will be there.

 Other than that, I have a small batch of new pedals that are ready to go which will be on sale in the next few weeks. I’ve been working with illustrator James Kellaway on these and I’m very excited to share them with you.

 This time is also a good opportunity to work on my newest project which I started designing around a year ago. I’m hoping to get some more work done on that so it can be released early next year!

 And finally, the most exciting part for you guys. Since I don't have enough for a full batch, I’m going to do a few give-aways of Colour Palettes over the next few months. Perhaps even some hand painted ones. This will happen on Instagram so make sure you follow me there! 

Thank you

 I know many of you are very eager to get your hands on a colour palette. I just wanted to say thank you for being so patient while you wait for more to be built. And a big thank you to everyone who has bought one or just supported me in any way.

 In summary

  • Semiconductor shortage means no colour palettes until after November

  • New pedals coming soon

  • Follow me on Instagram for Colour Palette giveaways in the mean time!


Build Your Own Point to Point Fuzz Face


Colour Palette Update March 2021